The Broil King Regal S 690 Pro IR is a high-quality gas grill designed for demanding grill enthusiasts and grill professionals. This model is characterized by impressive performance and a variety of features that enable a first-class grilling experience.
Overall, the Broil King Regal S 690 Pro IR is a powerful gas grill designed for grilling large meals and preparing a variety of dishes. With its high-quality materials and numerous features, it offers a first-class grilling experience for grill enthusiasts who value quality and versatility.
Product Highlights
- 6 Dual Tube™ stainless steel rod burners 17.6 kW
- infrared side burner 3.1 kW
- spit roast burner 4.4 kW
- 2-piece stainless steel grate in the large cooking chamber
- 2-piece Flav-R-Cast matt-enameled cast iron grates
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